Monday, July 14, 2008


Recently all 3 of us visited Canada to renew our US visas. But it appeared that we had to wait for our visas for some time. So a 3 weeks trip turned into a 2 months wait. The problem was it was not told 'wait two months', it was told 'you should wait... for how long? we have no idea.'

So i found myself slowly falling into depression because of this virtually infinite wait. And decided to do something. Anything. Why not a doll.

Who cares you don't have your tools, materials, paints... And the only thing you took with you is a cross-stitch kit.

I went to Michaels and bought a pack of paperclay, a brush. And... nothing else.

Then took my son's old T-shirt, manicure scissors... And started creating.

Now Nadia is ready: paperclay head, arms and legs, moving joints, cloth embroidered body.

The body is dyed with tea. Face is painted with tea. Hair is from embroidery strand from that cross-stitch kit.

Her name in russian means 'hope'.

So here is she. A child of exile. A cure for the depression. A hope to get home.


Morgan said...

your paperclay dolls are beatiful.

Morgan from France

Sandy Mastroni said...

I love your work !
and I am glad to read your idea > to add vanilla to coffee for staining ! Thank you !
I found you through Flickr ... happy I found you

molly jean said...

You inspire me!
One of my favorite quotes is, "Do what you can with what you have, where you are." You certainly did that! I keep buying art supplies, some thrifted and most inexpensive but I know that a person is not limited by the lack of supplies if creative.

By Yelena Skroznikova said...


Оксана said...

случайно через Flickr набрела на ваш блог.(ни чего что я по-русски?) Ваши куклы бесподобны. И когда они рождаются в таких условиях, то ценее вдвойне. А Надя вообще живая-умеет менять позы, положения рук и ног. Если не секрет как крепятся ручки и ножки, чтобы они шевелились? вставляются что-то типа бусины в места стыков?

Unknown said...

Nadia is fabulous!

Shayna said...

Nadia and all of your creations are pure magic!